Sunday, June 22, 2014

The vibration of mineral rocks

Today is not only the first blog day but also one of the first true rock purchases that I have invested in.  Below are some abilities of stones and pictures from the trip to the Blackmarket minerals store.  Great selection. 

Let’s start with a little science lesson. Every cell in your body vibrates. Different cells vibrate at different rates. Each rock has its own energy field that can be felt depending on your awareness and sensitivity to energy.  

Below is also a list if properties some stones carry. 

Citrine: healing, particularly depression, and abundance
Fluorite: healthy bones and organs; good for helping with physical balance
Green Tourmaline: all ailments of the hearts, physical and emotional; speeds energy flow, clears blockages, and restores equilibrium; strengthens immune system, works well with the thymus gland
Black Tourmaline: realign pulled and strained bone and muscle tissue; increases confidence, security and a sense of belonging
Red Jasper: gently energizing for those with chronic fatigue
Kunzite: removes negativity and unwanted thoughts; can aid the cardiovascular system and thyroid problems and self-esteem
Kyanite: brings calm, tranquility; meditation can be easier with this stone
Labradorite: ideas and intuitive ideas are easier to access; one of the best stones for aura protection
Smoky Quartz: effective grounding stone; dissolves negative states of mind
Amethyst: aids healing process anywhere within the body; one of the best stones for healing physical ailments
Moldavite: development of subtle senses, intuition, and beauty of creation (Note: if it’s not green (see below), it’s not moldavite, don’t be “taken in” by another tektite.) Some people are very sensitive to this stone.
Hematite: supports the circulatory system, blood, and temperature regulation; can help with the detoxification process

Here are some stones purchased today starting the collection.

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